Black British Music Symposium

British Library, London.

Black British Music Symposium

Friday 12 July 10:00 – 18:00. British Library Knowledge Centre Pigott Theatre

Exploring the past, present and futures of Black British Music.

Institutional Rate

Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
INSTITUTIONAL RATE £28.00 (£28.00)

In Person Admission

Ticket type Cost (face value)? Quantity
ADMISSION £15.00 (£15.00)
MEMBER £12.00 (£12.00)
CONCESSION £7.50 (£7.50)
*Concession includes students/18-25/registered unemployed
SENIOR 60+ £15.00 (£15.00)
DISABLED £7.50 (£7.50)
DISABLED CARER £0.00 (£0.00)

More information about Black British Music Symposium tickets

How can the concept of "Black British Music" be reframed or reimagined to better capture the diversity and complexity of Black musical experiences in Britain? What role should national institutions, such as the British Library, play in preserving and promoting Black British Music? And how can collaborations and partnerships between institutions, researchers, artists, and communities be leveraged to advance the understanding, appreciation, and impact of Black British Music?

Black British Music: Past, Present and Futures is an interdisciplinary symposium that reflects on the meaning, histories and legacies of Black British music. The symposium forms part of a broader partnership project between the British Library and the University of Westminster’s Black Music Research Unit (BMRU). Culminating in the first major exhibition on Black British Music, Beyond the Bassline: 500 years of Black British Music, the partnership aims to research and curate national collections relating to Black musical experiences in Britain in a way that engages with broader conversations on British popular culture and Black histories.

Tickets are priced £28 where paid for by an academic institution. Individual rates are £15 full price, or £7.50 for students and under 26s. 

Tickets include the day symposium with refreshments and a sandwich lunch, as well access to the Beyond the Bassline exhibition at a special evening party event running from 18:30 – 21:30 Carnival Warmup and SocaSpecial with live performance by Triniboi Joocie plus DJs, costume and conversation. Curated by Lin Kam Art. 

PROGRAMME (speakers and sessions may be subject to change)

09:30                Registration

10:00                Beyond the Bassline: Introductions 
10:15 – 11:15   Keynote: Michelle Escoffery
11:15 – 11:30   Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:40   Methodologies and Approaches to Black British Music
                           Dr. E Falade, Gayle Murchison, Pitchou Bulayand Adriel Elijah Miles, Daniel Burdsey. Chair Julia Toppin.
12:40 - 13:30   Lunch and performance 
13:30 - 14:40   Black British Musical Geographies 
                          Holly-Gale Millette, John Doyle, Matthew Flynn and Maria Ryan. Chair, Dr. Aleema Gray.
14:45 - 16:00   Black British Genres and Possibilitie
                          Esther "Estée Blu" Lenda Bokuma, Dionne Taylor, Adèle Oliver, Cheraine Donalea Scott Chair, Chris Christodoulou.
16.00 - 16:15   Tea and Coffee Break
16:15 - 17:30   Black British Music and Publishing Roundtable
                          Chair Mykaell Riley
17:30 – 18:30   Drinks and Networking 
18:30 - 20:00    Post- Symposium party Carnival Warmup and Soca Special and exhibition visit

Explore the full events programme for the British Library exhibition Beyond the Bassline: 500 Years of Black British Music (26 April – 26 August). 

Supported by the University of Westminster